psy·chot·ic leop·ard sīˈkädik/ˈlepərd/ noun · anything that is funky, interesting, beautiful, niche, useful, and grabs one's attention

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News — Mens Fashion

What is Sexy? How Women Like Their Men to Dress and Why

Posted by Lisa Johnson on

What is Sexy?  How Women Like Their Men to Dress and Why

  I love listening to books on tape. Whenever I'm in the car, it's often a dilemma on whether to play the spoken word or my usual hip hop, though lately I’ve been immersed in a fascinating scientific study called A Billion Wicked Thoughts:  What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Desire.  It looks very closely at what men and women find arousing, and why, and the very nature of the differences between our brain software.   Yesterday, I was in the middle of a section on what women find desirable in men in terms of fashion. Apparently, many of...

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